Monthly Archives: October 2007

Fake Steve on the Borg Campus

If you follow the Secret Diary of Steve Jobs, by Fake Steve Jobs (aka Dan Lyons), you’ll already know that FSJ was on Microsoft campus yesterday.  VM and I headed over the the MS Conference Center to listen to the talk.  I didn’t really know what to expect.  Would he keep in character?  Or would it be completely different?

It was absolutely hilarious.  The guy’s a fairly mild-mannered journalist.  He talked about how his blog started, and spun into this massive thing.  He talked about how everyone was trying to oust just who FSJ was.  He talked about his book, Options: The Secret Life of Steve Jobs.  He talked about the Borg (and how we actually *get it*–ie. that it’s a parody), about Apple and Sun and Forbes, made fun of Scoble (hilarious!  He talked about the pic of him coming out of an Apple store with an iPhone held high and I was just rolling over in laughter) and various other people.

It was a very enjoyable hour.  It was videotaped too–not sure where to get a copy though.

And no, I didn’t see the Beastmaster there taking notes.  That would have rocked the house though.

[ Update: Lyons did an interview with the Seattle PI afterwards.  Video here. ]