Category Archives: Entertainment

Most Stylish Man

A Microsoft developer was recently awarded the "Seattle’s Most Stylish Man" by Seattle Metropolitan magazine.  Pretty funny.  That being said, he is way more stylin’ than I am.  No, I don’t troll fashion websites; I found this out from an article on Micronews/MSW.  My favourite quote, though is by Danny Glasser:

Gopi’s manager, Danny Glasser, suggested the award might elevate Microsoft’s status in fashion circles. “After years of being laughed at, spit on, and having our lunch money taken, it fills us with pride to see the glitterati recognize the fabulousness that is the lifestyle of the Microsoft software developer.”

xbox 360

When Microsoft launched XBox Live three years ago, I remember seeing the campus flagpoles were adorned with black flags with the green ‘X’. And when I went to lunch, and crossed the man-made creek running through Redwest, I was completely appalled at the colour of the creek. Some genius had went and infested the water with a sickly fluorescent green dye. It looked like something out of Ghostbusters. You couldn’t tell if radioactive algae had sprung up overnight and infected the water supply. I was quite pleased when the water turned clear again a couple days later (I actually prefer not to know that I’m getting poisoned).

Anyhow, XBox 360 makes its debut tonight, and some genius went back and coloured the creek the same dang colour. (I would take a picture to post, but that might get me fired.) It’s no wonder there’s nothing living in that creek.